A French libre music portal, a non-profit org. All-days-growing community of over 40+ labels, 300+ artists, licenced under 16+ different copyleft or CC licenses. Music archive (also in english) in ogg/mp3 format, streaming, podcasts, comments...Rss feeds, www.musique-libre.org/index.php?op=edito African Musicians Profiles Each musician has a profile, and there are pages on news of recent and future events, special features, recommended CDs, relevant reading, etc. www.africanmusiciansprofiles.com/ Afro Beat Recommended Records Lists Afrobeat artist and band information as well as compilations. www.slipcue.com/music/international/africa/aa_styles/afrobeat_01.html Ajda Pekan Webpage of Turkish superstar Ajda Pekkan www.ajdapekkan.net All Music Guide: Fairuz Includes information on the musicians who worked with Fairuz, as well as a select discography. www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&uid=UIDMISS70311241637320828&sql=B0rkmikk6bb19 Alper Çakır Guitar player, popular music arranger and composer www.alpercakir.com/ Amr Diab Fan Network a Fan site containing news updates, lyrics, a lively messageboard, MP3s, pictures, biographical information, a screen saver, and wallpaper patterns. www.amrdiab.net/ Amr Diab Official Fan Club First official web site of the Arabic singer Amr Diab. Includes latest news, rare pictures and sounds, polls, letters to Amr, interviews, and release information. www.amrdiab2000.com/ Amr Diab World Your big world for Amr Diab, featuring a wealth of audio and video downloads. www.amrdiabworld.com/ Antibalas 14-piece Afrobeat band with a monstrous sound and strong political statement. Playing in the spirit of Fela. www.antibalas.com/ Athena Official web-page for the Turkish Ska-Punk band. Includes detailed information about the band, news and more. www.athenasite.net/ Avazeh Homepage of Anis Moin, an Iranian singer living in Sweden. Features news, biography, discography and some music samples. www.avazeh.com/ Babak Afshar Songwriter and composer. Features biography and MP3s of his most popular melodies. www.babakafshar.com/ Baladi: Egyptian-style dancing All about the Baladi Egyptian-style dancing style as a culture. www.shira.net/baladi.htm BeSonic - Der Online Music Promotion Service 20,000 artists and 30,000 songs from 5 countries. Free mp3 tracks for download and streaming. Some interesting Euro bands! www.besonic.com/Music/g0r0l1t0o0i0/index.html Burcu Güne? Burcu Güne? Official Webpage www.burcugunes.com Çelik Eri?çi Webpage for the Turkish pop singer Çelik Eri?çi, also known as Çelik www.celikerisci.com/ Crazy about Fairouz Yahoo group for the fans of the singer. Offers a forum. groups.yahoo.com/group/crazyaboutfairouz/ Demet Akal?n Webpage for pop singer and model Demet Akal?n www.demetakalin.net/ Demirhan Baylan Multi instrumentalist, songwriter, sound engineer. MP3s, pictures, information in both Turkish and English. www.demirhanbaylan.com/ Diab Online Fan site in both English and Arabic, featuring discography, filmography, pictures, video clips, games, and interviews. diabonline1.tripod.com/ Diana Haddad Online Official site. www.dhaddad.com Djouls.com - Music You Don?t Hear On The Radio The rough guide to music you don?t hear on the radio, in French. Also a record label and French collective T.I.M.E.C., with Electronic, Funk, Hip Hop, Jazz, Jam Bands, Pop, Rock, Reggae and World music. www.djouls.com/ Duman Official web-page of Turkish alternative-rock band. www.halimizduman.com/ Ensemble Al Kindi Performs classical Arabic music and Chant Profane and Sacred. Artist profiles, concerts, discography, and more. Based in Paris. www.alkindi.org/ Erkin Koray Info-page for Erkin Koray, famous Turkish progressive rock guitarist. Complete discography and some links. progressive.homestead.com/ERKIN_KORAY.html Fahir Atakoğlu The official web site of the famous Turkish composer. Biography, discography, image gallery, news, agenda, concerts, multimedia section, contact info. www.fahiratakoglu.com Fairouz and the Rahbani Brothers News and historical information about the singer. www.fairouz.com Fairouz?s World Articles, photographs, and a list of contact information for fans. gnh-fairouz.tripod.com/ Fairuz News and information about Fairuz and the Rahbani Brothers as well as many others who have worked with them. Includes articles, RealAudio files, photos, and links. www.fairouz.com/ Fairuz Online.com Includes a biography, photographs, the latest events, CDs, DVDs, and videos. www.fairuzonline.com/ Fairuz, our Ambassador to the Stars A biography and an appreciation of her music. Includes lyrics in English and Arabic, her work in theatre and film, and a discography. almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/700/780/fairuz/ Fayrouz, Legend and Woman Biography, musicals and discography of the singer, discussion forum and downloadable songs. (English and Arabic) www.fayrouz.org/ Gateway of Africa List of the African Top 10. New releases. Musician profiles with discographies of recent music and links to musician?s web sites. www.gatewayofafrica.com/ GNH.com - Ziad Rahbani Information about the artist, his mother, and Joseph Sakr. www.homestead.com/ziad_rahbani/home.html Grup Yorum Official site for this political band. Includes a rich content about the band. www.grupyorum.net/ Gökhan Özen Official Site Gökhan Özen, Official Web Site. www.gokhanozen.com.tr Hatem, Ruba Includes sound samples and information about this Palestinian singer. www.rubahatem.com/ Hossam Ramzy official site Egypt?s Ambassador of Rhythem & the World?s Leading Name in Egyptian and Oriental Dance music. www.hossamramzy.com House of Tarab House of Tarab, a Traditional Arabic Classical & Folk Ensemble based in Seattle, WA, recreates the excitement & magic of the ?Golden Age? of Arabic music. www.houseoftarab.com/ Interview with Marcel Khalife Biographical interview of this famous Lebanese musician. www.via-dolorosa.net/marcel.htm Kan Zaman Community ensemble performing traditional folk and classical music and songs from the Arab world. www.kanzaman.org/ Khaled Selim: Official Site Includes his biography, discography, video clips, photo gallery and latest news. www.khaledselim.com/html/biography.html Kurban Turkish rock music band. Concert news, pictures, album introductions, MP3s, videos and group member?s biography. www.kurban.com/ Marcel Khalife - Nagam Cultural Project Includes selections of Khalife?s work, picture album and critical reviews. www.marcelkhalife.com/ Mazhar, Fuat & Özkan Information page for the Turkish Rock-Pop trio, MFÖ. Contains LP, EP covers, some useful links. progressive.homestead.com/MFO.html Moğollar 30 years in turkish ethno rock, one of the pioneer bands in Turkish rock. In Turkish, English and German. History, information and samples from their albums. www.mogollar.com musicvenue21 Orchestral renderings of the Works of Keith Perreur-Lloyd www.musicvenue21.com/ N-Closer One of the rare Turkish Industrial Bands. Information about the band and their freshly released album "Colors of Julia". Graphic content of this site is remarkable. www.ncloser.com Nam Music.com Artist biographies, photographs. Requires registration (free) to listen to music online. www.nammusic.com/ Nancy Ajram Fan Club view a selection of Nancy?s photos and her latest albums. www.nancyajram.com/ Nancy Ajram Zone Nancy Ajram Fan Website with interviews, Photos, Wallpapers, Biography, Lyrics, Music, Videoclips and more www.nancyzone.tk Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Official site includes news, discography, articles, and discussion group. www.nfak.com/ Oğuz Büyükberber Contemporary music composer, clarinet and bass clarinet player. www.demirhan.com/oguz/ O-hum Iranian band formed in 1998 in Tehran. They play a mixture of rock and traditional Iranian music. www.o-hum.com/ Om Kalthoum Songs Om Kalthoum sang hundreds of songs with themes of love, patriotism, or nature, as well as Classical Arabic poems; this partial list provides titles, composer, lyricist, dialect -- and for some, the lyrics (in Arabic) and audio clips. almashriq.hiof.no/egypt/700.arts/780.music/umKoulthoum/SETT/OK/Songs.html Om KulThom?s Website Featuring information on this artist, such as songs and movie clips, pictures, lyrics, and fan club information. www.abraj.net/thoma.html Oriental Tunes Oriental music and information about it?s major artists, since the beginning of recorded music to the present www.orientaltunes.com/ Osta, Nicolas Profile, movie clips, MP3s, and photographs. www.nicolasosta.com/ Parissa Classical persian vocalist from Tehran. Site includes biography and photo album. www.parissa.org/ Rahbani, Ziad Articles, discography, photographs, and fan contact information. ziad-rahbani.tripod.com/ Rahbany, Ziad Preview of music, theater, political beliefs, and works with others. www.ziad-rahbany.com/ RomanySaad.com Features Arabic MP3s and streaming radio, song lyrics translated into English, and artist pages for Amr Diab, Abd alHalim Hafiz, and Kazemel Saher. www.romanysaad.com/ Scottish Music Downloads Discover and download lots of Scottish music. www.scottishdownloads.com/ Serdar Ortaç Pop singer Serdar Ortaç www.serdarortac.net Sezen Aksu Web page for well-known Turkish pop singer Sezen Aksu www.sezen-aksu.com/ Shahrzad Sepanlou Features the singer?s biography, photos and sample tracks from her debut solo album. Some song lirics have been translated into English. www.1001productions.com shaskeen.net Shaskeen is a traditional Irish ceili band, formed by Tom Cussen and his friends about 40 years ago in Ireland. www.shaskeen.net/ Sibel Tüzün Official Webpage for Sibel Tüzün www.sibeltuzun.com Sima Bina Biography, discography, and research notes about this famous Persian singer and folk music collector. www.sima-bina.com/ Sima Bina by Yasmela Article about Sima Bina, Persian dance, and an American?s discovery of Persian music. www.gildedserpent.com/articles8/yasmelasimabina.htm Soner Ar?ca Soner Ar?ca Official Web Site www.sonerarica.net SUDIP BOSE Personal website of Sudip Bose. Engages in modern music & traditional indian instruments. www.sudip.in/ Tarkan DeLuxe Tarkan fan portal offers song lyrics, current news, galleries, a discography, and related links. tarkandeluxe.tripod.com Tarkan Dudu Fan site for the Turkish pop star. In English and Turkish. tarkan2001.tripod.com Tarkan Palace Biography, discography, links, and news. In English and Spanish. turkish_prince.tripod.com/ Tarkan Songs A Tarkan site includes an interactive documentary about the life story of the music artist and English translations of his song lyrics. www.tarkan.tripod.com Tarkan.com The official site of the Turkish music artist Tarkan. Includes tour dates, current news, photographs, music and fan club. In English and Turkish. www.tarkan.com Tarkan?s Place Fan site for the Turkish singer includes song lyrics, pictures, music and fan club. tarkanplace2001.tripod.com Tarkanonline Exclusive artwork, including wallpaper, Winamp skins, screensavers, and icons. www.angelfire.com/musicals/tarkan |