Polish polka tunes, some by the Accordian Man himself. www.accordionman.net/POLISH/ Allen?s MIDI Page Wide ranging ethnic music, including and music from Germany, Ireland, Scotland, and China. Polkas, too. www.azagel.com/index1.html Amsterdamse Blaas Kapel "Egerländer-music" from Bohemia, "sometimes happy, sometimes sad, with many polka?s and waltzes". www.amsterdamseblaaskapel.nl/ Ancient Irish tunes Annotated collection of 30 MIDI encoded tunes from the 18th and 19th centuries. pybertra.club.fr/ceol/tunes.htm AudiriCom:Unsigned Artists Lots of music but also watch videos. Lots of smaller unsigned bands.Well organized. www.audiri.com/ Balinese Gamelan Rhythms Includes MIDI files of the traditional Balinese gamelan (percussion ensemble). www.ancient-future.com/bali.html Cajun Land MIDIs Almost a dozen Cajun tunes selected by the Accordian Man. www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5940/cajunmidi.html Congregation Etz Chaim MIDI Page Jewish and other ethnic MIDI files created, arranged, and sequenced by Michael Greenspan. www.etz-chaim.com/midi.htm Folk Midi Radio Automatically play 400 midi sequences in four folk ?channels?. mytunebook.de/midiradio.html Folk Songs Folk songs from around the world, from America to India. pdmusic.org/folk.html Folk, songs and tunes. Over a dozen nicely annotated folk tunes "picked up" from various sources. nielsen.freeservers.com/index.htm Folksongs and Ballads of the Appalachians and England Original arrangements of folksongs and ballads from the Appalachian Mountains of the United States and from England. www.netstrider.com/music/folkways/ Jerry?s Folk and Traditional A page of 25 classic American and English folk tunes. www.wilstar.com/jukefolk.htm Laura?s MIDI Heaven Over a hundred traditionals. Also accesses separate pages of English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh folk tunes. www.laurasmidiheaven.com/International/WorldMusic.shtml Marucho?s Folkdance A dozen tunes from Hungary, Macedonia, Israel, and Turkey, all sequenced by Marucho. sakura.canvas.ne.jp/spr/marucho/media/midi_e.htm MIDI Music Sing Along Songbook Popular MIDI music songs, with lyrics, in a sing along songbook with graphics. www.melodylane.net/ MIDI Page Portugal Over 30 traditional and original portuguese MIDI tunes. www.grafix.net/midifile/trad.html Pipe and Drum Midi Page A simple collection of a dozen or so classic Celtic tunes. www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/7305/pipendrum.html Robokopp Large archive of folksongs, hymns, war songs, and sea songs from Austria, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, the US, and Wales. www.musicanet.org/robokopp/ Scottish Folk Music Collection of traditional Scottish tunes from "Auld Lang Syne" to "Will Ye No Come Back Again." www.stockdogsaction.com/scotmidi/index.html Simple Gifts Mandolin Tablature Archive Includes MIDI files and mandolin tabs for classic folk songs. www.users.csbsju.edu/~eknuth/mandotab/index.html Slovak Folk Music Thirty-five Slovakian folk tunes, about half with sheet-music gifs. www.akg.cwc.net/folk.htm Swedish Folk Songs in MIDI format Nine Swedish folk songs with lyrics. www.pcisys.net/~don_erickson/swede.htm Taylor?s Traditional Tunebook Over 500 traditional tunes from 1600 to 1900 from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England and "the Colonies" - includes lyrics and historical information. www.contemplator.com/tunebook/index.htm Turkish MIDI Files Abdullah presents a few unique Turkish tunes. members.aol.com/cleoleyla/music.html |